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company background:

In 2018, seven individual professionals, founder members of Greenpro Africa joined forces as to bring together their diverse experiences and skills, spanning from agriculture, engineering, off-grid energy generation, manufacturing, finance, management to information technology and more, to share a common passion:  to develop commercial and sustainable agriculture ventures in rural Africa. 
The Partners previous business/professional experiences vary rom small to medium business ownership, corporative management, project management, agriculture research and development, manufacturing of large-scale military technologies, design and installation of alternative energy solutions, academic research and lecturing, corporative governance, horticulture, and holistic farming.
These skills and expertise were integrated into an existing South African registered company, called Greenpro Consulting (Pty) Ltd.  The RSA consulting structure expanded to the revelation to create the Greenpro Africa headquarters in Botswana to operate on a cross-border scale on the Africa continent.  Botswana offers stimulating incentives for Agri- and manufacturing-businesses and provides as international trading platform and a stability that are most acceptable and attractive.

Greenpro Africa was created in first Q of 2022, in Botswana, as its Headquarters and research facilities.

greenpro Africa supports the united nations sustainable development goals: 

Greenpro Africa supports the UN's sustainable development goals with each of its commercial farming venture designs.  Not only is it the right thing to do but also the responsible thing towards the environment and rural people. 
In 2015 the United Nations implemented, sustainable development goals that are aimed to improve the world we live in by 2030 in seventeen (17) different ways - ending poverty, acting on climate change, reaching gender equality, ensuring clean water and sanitation for all, and more.
Project developers in rural Africa need to be aware that the people living in rural areas must be viewed as the most important project asset and their needs must be identified, prioritised, and addressed with dignity.  Greenpro Africa's Large-scale farming ventures adheres to that motto.  
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greenpro skills access & community investment

Most of the Greenpro Africa ventures are project orientated and requires various skills from highly qualified engineers to unskilled on-site workers in rural Africa, supported by experienced management capabilities to maintain and operate the designed agriculture ventures.
Greenpro Africa has access to multiple highly qualified engineering skills from agriculture, chemical, civil, electric, electronic, mechanical and process engineering.  Most of these individual skills are available in South Africa, with professionals that have previously work with the Greenpro Africa core team in various corporations or projects.  Greenpro Africa, over many years, developed such a network of professional skills referred to as associates and consultants, and that proof of skills is accessed on several aspects of projects as required, on an permanent or add-hoc basis.
Similar experienced and qualified South African commercial farmers are available in the Greenpro Africa network.  These skills vary from cattle, sheep, goat, fish, wildlife, crop, vegetable, fruit, and wine farming.  An African farming knowledge base is an internal project to Greenpro Africa to promote knowledge and experience sharing across Agri-engineering activists and platforms in the continent.
The community social uplifting is at the root of the sustainable commercial farm venture of Greenpro Africa.  The company's social development experts consul with staff and community leaders to identify the right workers required for each phase of the project within the nearby communities.  The youth and women within the community are targeted to perform specific jobs and be trained to become long term workers for the designed farming project.  Agriculture training programs are implemented to improve skills and overcome poverty and hunger in those communities.  Additionally, to skills upliftment, Greenpro Africa business model normally creates small business structures to grow the community wealth.
Greenpro Africa value goodwill, empathy, honesty, and the constant skills development of the community members as most important principles to allow the rural communities to accept and adhere to the venture/project as their own.
All Greenpro Africa rural ventures have continuous training programs for each key activity on the farm to allow for job satisfaction, worker growth, worker self-development, better interaction with one another, and to enhance leadership at all levels.
Greenpro Africa believes that happy workers with a skilled on-site management force will allow for a successful and sustainable business anywhere in rural Africa.  Greenpro Africa values their people, workers and nearby community members as their most prized asset and partners. 
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sustainable Large-scale farming in harmony with small scale farmers in africa

Greenpro Africa acknowledges that the development of large-scale agriculture ventures in Africa is essential to support governments with food security programs, create additional GDP for countries, and have the resources to upskill the women and youth in technical and modern agriculture methods and techniques, reduce the migration of young people from rural areas to cities, train rural farmers in productive land use by applying new, effective and efficient organic agriculture concepts and, last but not least, create multiple and sustainable new job opportunities in rural areas forging community upliftment at large scale.
According to the United Nations year publication, in the whole of Africa, 282 million people were experiencing hunger, more than double the proportion of any other region in the world.  Conditions were deteriorating across East Africa, where about 7.2 million people are at risk of starvation and a further 26.5 million face acute food insecurity.  Greenpro Africa is committed to make a difference in rural Africa through the development of large sustainable and innovative farms, with sufficient resources to support and develop communities, in association with interested investors harboring a similar vision and mission.  Africa by its vast landmass presents huge investment opportunities for a sizable return on investment, while along making the world a better place for all.
Therefore, the Greenpro Africa business model is designed specifically to cater for large-scale ventures, to support African governments economically as well as socially, and to work around the typical rural Africa challenges to ensure successful sustainable commercial agriculture development.  Greenpro Africa through its passion and by means of its repository of specialized skillset, in addition to its reliable and experienced network of partners, consultants and associates, is confident to make a difference to help rural Africa help itself. Greenpro Africa business model is integrated and innovative to attract international investors to fund large scale farms, not only to be extremely profitable, but also to support the vision for rural villages in Africa to become autonomous economical villages. 
Greenpro Africa is mindful that the following constraining features should be deemed of high probability for each potential farming model to be developed in rural Africa:
- On-grid electricity is rare to non-existing in rural Africa     and all commercial farming business opportunities will   require its own power supply to be accounted   for.
- Road infrastructures are poor and product distribution   channels are quite remote.
- Un-educated and unskilled workers are a certainty that   requires intensive on-the-job training consistently.
- In the modern era, Agriculture and Engineering is   completely integrated and will require an on-going and   high-level technical maintenance and qualified support   teams established on the farm.
- Rural farmers poorly use their land and generate little   profit from their activities. 

nearby villages are uplifted with profits generated on the farm

The business model and subsequent proposals cater for such communal support by typically allocating a percentage of the venture's net profit to be invested into staff and social development vehicles, managed by professionals, to accommodate specific needs of staff and nearby communities.  This support will focus on the typical health, education, and various training services, such as training nearby rural farmers for better use of their land to enhance food security generate better profits through enhanced yield, and much more depending on the targeted communities. 
A happy an loyal nearby community is also a strategic investment for a harmonious development of large-scale commercial farms in rural Africa. 

Large scale commercial farming working in harmony with small scale farmers

commercial agriculture and engineering synergy

Greenpro Africa recognizes that modern Agriculture and Engineering is large scale farming cannot function in isolation.  Engineering must supply energy, water, and infrastructure and improve farming efficiencies through science and technology advancements, enhance profits and support the agriculture landscape for better yields, higher quality produces and enhance profitability for fair pricing.  Engineering also facilitates farming at locations, previously regarded as non-arable land.
Greenpro builds strong engineering teams, with expert skills to design solutions in alternative energies, water extraction from dams and rivers, civil works to erect important infrastructures on the farm, chemical engineers for water cleaning and sewerage systems, workshop mechanical services and general support services throughout the operation of commercial farming ventures.
Agriculture specialists on the large anchor farm rely strongly on engineering and mechanical support colleagues to supply and maintain highly complex technologies.  Greenpro Africa is all about promoting, designing, and operating a unified environment between agriculture and engineering to ensure the smooth running of a high successful farming environment.  The communities also rely on the same engineering teams of The Farm, that will for part of the community development program.