GP-A10 formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis


GP-A10 is a liquid specially formulated and intended:
- To enhance photosynthetic efficiency.
- To enhance light utilization.
- To enhance glucose production.
- To optimize photo damage protection, especially UV radiation damage.
A special blend of Essential Oils, Chitosan, Salicylic Acid and Vitamin E.
1.  Use 200-part water to 1 part GP-A10 - 1:200.
2.  Put 200 parts water in tank.
3.  Add 1 part GP-A10 water in tank.
4.  Mix the water with the GP-A10.
GP-A10 can be applied through conventional ground equipment, drone application, or through properly equipped irrigation systems.  But avoid using "mist" spray setting.
Soil Application:  1L per hectare.
Leaf Application:  1L per hectare.
Foliar (leaf) application has been proven to be the most effective method of treatment.
- GP-A10 is intended to increase Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll.
- The Department of Botany at NWU, South Africa did a comparison of leaf surfaces treated and untreated to assess the effect of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll.
- The graph shows that GP-A10 increases Photosynthesis 5-fold.
Increased Photosynthesis has a chain-effect on energy potential of the plant, and its resilience and growth.

soybean treated with formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis GP-A10

image p10 soya standard treatment
image p10 soya p10 treated
The soya plant treated with GP-A10 are nearly double the size, in height, leave size and growth: -
GP-A10 treated Soya plants yielded a 30% higher yield.

We are still waiting for the full report of the above case study.  The average pods per plant is 150.
The soybean is planted and treated with 1 litre of GP-A10 per hectare. 
Study on the GP-A10 was carried out on a far in Wesselsbron of the Free State Province.  The soil of the experimental site was a sandy soil and treated the same with an organic fertilizer.

Wheat treated with formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis GP-A10

The study on the GP-A10 was carried out on a far in Wesselsbron of the Free State Province.  The soil of the experimental site was a sandy soil and treated the same with an organic fertilizer.
The plants were planted in 2 blocks the 1st block was treated with GP-A10 and the 2nd block was untreated.  All was planted in dryland, no rainfall occurred during the period of highest maximum temperatures and lowest relative humidity.  Taking in consideration that the soil was sandy, moisture retention would be low.
Application of GP-A10 results in a significant improvement in vegetative vigour of the wheat plants.  Height of GP-A10 treated plants were 065.5 mm compared to 862.3 mm of untreated plants.

The treated plants also have significantly longer internodes.  Treated plants was 145.3 mm and untreated plants 112.1 mm for the second internode, for the third internode, treated plants internodes was 240.6 mm and the untreated plants was 188.3 mm.

The GP-A10 treated caused a significant increase in the number of spikelets per plant, 29 for treated plants and 19 for untreated plants.  Length of the treated plant's spikelets was 73.5 mm and the untreated was 67.0 mm.  From the result it is evident that the longer spikelet had more grains.
The wheat grains from the treated plants were significantly heavier than the grain from the untreated plants.  Treated plants was 46.3 g per grain compared to 36.7 mg per grain untreated.

The average yield calculated, or the treatment and untreated plants were 6.2 and 2.9 ton per hectare respectively.  This amounted to just over a doubling in the yield caused by GP-A10 treatment.
The yield for the untreated plants was therefore within the national average yield, while the yield of the treated plants exceeds the national average with between 2 and 4 tons per hectare.
It is clear from the results obtained for this study GP-A10 can be applied to wheat plants to improve vegetative growth, yield, and grain quality.  The fact that environmental stressful conditions occurred during late winter and early spring, clearly indicated that GP-A10 improved the plant's ability to withstand environmentally stressful conditions to result in improved growth, yield and grain quality.
The wheat had one application of GP-A10 solution 1 litre per hectare.

maize treated with formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis GP-A10

The maize is planted in dry land and treated with 1 litre of GP-A10 per hectare. 
We still waiting the report of the case study, but there is a significant difference between the 2 lands.

treated / untreated

image foliar mielies 2 met
image foliar mielies 2 sonder
image foliar mielies 1 met
image foliar mielies 2 sonder
image foliar mielies 5 met
image foliar mielies 3 sonder

hubbard squash treated with formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis - GP-A10

- Improves leaf nutritional results on Pumpkins
- The leaf pictured on standard treatment is much smaller that the leaf on GP-A10 treated plant
-When using GP-A10 required nutrients are much less than conventional cultivation.

hubbard squash infected with powdery mildew treated with formulated organic plant nutrient bio stimulant that enhance photosynthesis - GP-A10

1 hour after treatment


image foliar pampoen 1 powdery mildew
image foliar pampoen 2 uur later